Veggies with Wedgies (and Other Summer Reading for Gardeners of all Ages)


By Lesley Fleming, HTR

Are you looking for entertaining books appropriate for all ages and   gardening abilities? As we gardeners dig more and then relax in our gardens this summer, consider a few children’s books with beautifully illustrated garden-related stories. Guaranteed to delight, these books can provide yet another element to intergenerational gardening experiences or offer a child-like moment full of sunshine.


Veggies with Wedgies

The veggie garden patch growing under Farmer John’s clothesline presents several challenges and I don’t mean sufficient sun exposure. Author & pop artist Todd H. Doodler offers a hilarious, colorful story that humans can relate to. Note: children may have to explain to their elders what a wedgie is!

Raccoons and Ripe Corn

Author & nature artist Jim Arnosky provides a vivid engaging story of nature’s autumn cycle when raccoons search for mature, tasty corn. Large print makes reading easy for early readers, older readers who left glasses elsewhere, and anyone who has ever grown corn or known raccoons.

Mortimer’s First Garden

The mouse who tries hard to be patient is rewarded with more sunflower seeds than he can eat when his own first garden sprouts and grows. Enchanting and full of wisdom, author Karma Wilson and illustrator Dan Andreasen capture the thrill of nurturing a garden and harvesting its bounty.

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